Parkinson’s UK invests £2.1 million in Neumora Therapeutics for preclinical testing of new Parkinson’s drug
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 Parkinson’s UK invests £2.1 million in Neumora Therapeutics for preclinical testing of new Parkinson’s drugParkinson’s UK invests £2.1 million in Neumora Therapeutics for preclinical testing of new Parkinson’s drug
Parkinson’s UK is investing £2.1million to support Neumora Therapeutics to carry out preclinical testing of NMRA-NLRP3, a NLRP3 inhibitor with the potential to reduce inflammation and protect brain cells in Parkinson’s. NLRP3 is a protein that plays a role in regulating a number of inflammatory processes that are believed to contribute to the damage to brain cells that underlies Parkinson’s.
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Genetic characteristics that influence the risk of Parkinson's disease (PD) due to pesticide exposure.
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