Natural compound found in olives can lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss
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 Understanding the glycemic indexUnderstanding the glycemic index
The glycemic index is a nutritional tool that helps measure how quickly the carbohydrates in a particular food affect an individual’s blood sugar levels. As per the GI values, foods are classified as low, medium, or high.
 Natural compound found in olives can lower blood sugar levels and promote weight lossNatural compound found in olives can lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss
Findings from a new mouse study suggest that elenolic acid, a natural compound found in olives, can lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss.
   Study shows the potential of heat treatments to promote healthier agingStudy shows the potential of heat treatments to promote healthier aging
New research performed with mice suggests that daily time in a warm environment such as a sauna might help older adults, especially women, combat age-related obesity and insulin resistance.
   Differences in effectiveness among antihyperglycemic drugs on dementia risk identified in recent studyDifferences in effectiveness among antihyperglycemic drugs on dementia risk identified in recent study
Researchers compare the effectiveness of anti-diabetes medications in reducing the risk of dementia in older diabetics.
   Fighting cancer with nanoparticlesFighting cancer with nanoparticles
Nanoparticles may be the future of the fight against pancreatic cancer, but also tumours that currently have no cure options. A video news release provides a synthesis of the ULISES project milestones.
 Evaluating CGM accuracy and benefits in non-diabetic populations
Evaluating CGM accuracy and benefits in non-diabetic populationsA new narrative review led by researchers at UCL and Birmingham Children's Hospital has found there is a lack of evidence to demonstrate the effective use of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) in people not living with diabetes (PNLD).
 New study reveals how GLP-1 receptor agonists enhance preingestive fullness
New study reveals how GLP-1 receptor agonists enhance preingestive fullnessGLP-1 receptor agonists promote the feeling of fullness before eating via neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus, according to a new study. The findings offer new insights into the neural pathways by which GLP-1 receptor agonists increase the feeling of fullness to prevent overconsumption of food, which is key in mitigating obesity. Glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) plays an important role in signaling the feeling of fullness after eating.
 Serotonin 2C receptor in the brain regulates memory in people and animal models, research shows
Serotonin 2C receptor in the brain regulates memory in people and animal models, research showsResearchers at Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Cambridge in the U.K. and collaborating institutions have shown that serotonin 2C receptor in the brain regulates memory in people and animal models.
 Early Menarche and long-term health: What the research says
Early Menarche and long-term health: What the research saysEarly puberty is associated with increasing odds of chronic disease, both physical and mental. Menarche at 10 vs 11 years, for instance, roughly doubles the odds of long-term ill-health in adult life. The earlier the age at menarche, the greater the odds of stress and ill-health.
 Regulatory T cells exist as large, mobile population that travels through body to repair damaged tissue
Regulatory T cells exist as large, mobile population that travels through body to repair damaged tissueResearchers investigated populations of regulatory T cells, a type of white blood cell, in various tissues.
 Research paves the way for tailored diets based on individual responses to macronutrients
Research paves the way for tailored diets based on individual responses to macronutrientsWhen it comes to managing blood sugar levels, most people think about counting carbs. But new research from the University of British Columbia shows that, for some, it may be just as important to consider the proteins and fats in their diet.
 Microscopic changes in the liver can be used to predict pancreatic cancer spread
Microscopic changes in the liver can be used to predict pancreatic cancer spreadMicroscopic changes in the liver can be used to predict if, and where, pancreatic cancer may spread in the body.
 Current screening guidelines could miss prostate cancer in transgender women receiving estrogen
Current screening guidelines could miss prostate cancer in transgender women receiving estrogenTransgender women are still at risk for prostate cancer. A new study led by Cedars-Sinai Cancer investigators, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association, concludes that current screening guidelines could miss early-stage prostate cancer in transgender women on hormone therapy.
 Using liver biopsies to identify predictors of pancreatic cancer metastasis
Using liver biopsies to identify predictors of pancreatic cancer metastasisResearchers at Weill Cornell Medicine with an international team have used liver biopsies to identify cellular and molecular markers that can potentially be used to predict whether and when pancreatic cancer will spread to an individual's liver or elsewhere, such as the lung.
 Study provides resource for investigating diabetes-linked transcription factors
Study provides resource for investigating diabetes-linked transcription factorsScientists have generated a comprehensive map of the gene targets regulated by the transcription factors HNF4A and HNF1A in human pancreatic beta cells and liver cells. Published in the journal Nature Communications, the study revealed common and tissue-specific molecular pathways regulated by HNF4A and HNF1A, two proteins that possess important functions governing the development and function of the pancreas and liver.
 Mice studies shed Light on serotonin and memory
Mice studies shed Light on serotonin and memoryMemory regulation in humans and animal models is regulated by the serotonin 2C receptor in the brain, according to research from Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, and affiliated institutions.
 TRPC5 gene identified as a diagnostic marker of obesity and postpartum depression
TRPC5 gene identified as a diagnostic marker of obesity and postpartum depressionResearchers at Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Cambridge and collaborating institutions have discovered that alterations in the human gene TRPC5 cause obesity and postpartum depression.