Predicting Alzheimer's decline: New model offers personalized insights for patients
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 Revolutionary AI model improves early dementia diagnosisRevolutionary AI model improves early dementia diagnosis
Cambridge scientists have developed an artificially-intelligent tool capable of predicting in four cases out of five whether people with early signs of dementia will remain stable or develop Alzheimer’s disease.
   Predicting Alzheimer's decline: New model offers personalized insights for patientsPredicting Alzheimer's decline: New model offers personalized insights for patients
Researchers developed a model to predict cognitive decline in Alzheimer's patients using clinical and biomarker data, improving personalized treatment plans.
   Accurate adiposity measurements key to tackling obesity-related diseases, study findsAccurate adiposity measurements key to tackling obesity-related diseases, study finds
Accurate adiposity assessment is critical for understanding obesity-related disease risks, but current clinical measurement methods have significant limitations.
   New tech shows promise for mental wellbeingNew tech shows promise for mental wellbeing
One of the intriguing abilities of the human mind is daydreaming, where the mind wanders off into spontaneous thoughts, fantasies and scenarios, often without conscious effort, allowing creativity and reflection to flow freely.
 Groundbreaking method developed for analyzing heart MRI scans with AI
Groundbreaking method developed for analyzing heart MRI scans with AIResearchers have developed a groundbreaking method for analyzing heart MRI scans with the help of artificial intelligence, which could save valuable NHS time and resources, as well as improve care for patients.
 An Arm and a Leg: The woman who beat an $8,000 hospital fee
An Arm and a Leg: The woman who beat an $8,000 hospital feeHospital facility fees. They can feel like a charge just for walking in the door. Hospitals say they go toward overhead on facilities with lots of specialized equipment and staff, like emergency rooms.
 Ultrasound techniques for the surveillance, diagnosis, and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
Ultrasound techniques for the surveillance, diagnosis, and treatment of hepatocellular carcinomaHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a primary malignancy of the liver and one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Early detection and accurate diagnosis are crucial for effective management and improved survival rates.
 Characterizing the response of tumours to fractionated radiotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitors
Characterizing the response of tumours to fractionated radiotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitorsCharacterizing the response of tumors to fractionated radiotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitors