Biochemistry - A New Way of Characterising Biomolecules
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Free ebook: your guide to biotherapeutic researchFree ebook: your guide to biotherapeutic research

In this ebook, you will find expert insights and practical strategies to help you achieve higher resolution, increased sensitivity, and faster analysis times in protein analysis. Bio-techne will also share some innovative approaches to simplifying viral vector characterization and optimizing cell culture conditions, all of which are crucial for the production of high-quality biopharmaceuticals.

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    A New Way of Characterising BiomoleculesA New Way of Characterising Biomolecules
Mass photometry is a revolutionary new method of analyzing molecules. It enables the accurate mass measurement of single molecules in solution, in their native state and without the need for labels. This approach opens up new possibilities for bioanalytics and research into the functions of biomolecules. Learn more about the method and its applications with this new free eBook from Refeyn.
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   Decoding broccoli’s genome: Advances in glucosinolate biosynthesis and health benefitsDecoding broccoli’s genome: Advances in glucosinolate biosynthesis and health benefits
A detailed genomic study of broccoli has revealed the genetic foundations for the production of glucosinolates (GSLs), compounds celebrated for their health benefits, including anti-carcinogenic properties.
 Water-Soluble Bacterial Enzyme Could Enable Rapid Screening of Potential Antibiotics
Water-Soluble Bacterial Enzyme Could Enable Rapid Screening of Potential AntibioticsA bacterial enzyme called histidine kinase is a promising target for new classes of antibiotics. However, it has been difficult to develop drugs that target this enzyme, because it is a "hydrophobic" protein that loses its structure once removed from its normal location in the cell membrane.
 3D-printed wearable health monitor tracks biochemicals in sweat
3D-printed wearable health monitor tracks biochemicals in sweatA wearable health monitor developed by Washington State University researchers can reliably measure levels of important biochemicals in sweat during physical exercise.
 Enzymatic RNA synthesis paves the way for sustainable therapeutics
Enzymatic RNA synthesis paves the way for sustainable therapeuticsWhile the COVID-19 vaccines introduced many people to RNA-based medicines, RNA oligonucleotides have already been on the market for years to treat diseases like Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and amyloidosis.
 Enzyme breakthrough could revolutionize the production of greener cancer treatments
Enzyme breakthrough could revolutionize the production of greener cancer treatmentsScientists from The University of Manchester have uncovered a more efficient and sustainable way to make peptide-based medicines, showing promising effectiveness in combating cancers.
    MediKnowledge - Your new AI assistant for trusted Medical Knowledge - is now live in the GPT Store.MediKnowledge - Your new AI assistant for trusted Medical Knowledge - is now live in the GPT Store.

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