MedTech - Machine learning could personalize oxygen levels for patients on ventilators
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Heart attack diagnosis innovation - from an hour to eight minuteHeart attack diagnosis innovation - from an hour to eight minute

Femke de Theije and the team chose to follow their hearts and, in doing so, are helping to save the hearts of others: They developed a handheld device that reduces heart attack diagnosis from one hour down to eight minutes. In this Interview, News Med talks to Femke de Theije about heartfelt innovation for emergency care.

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   Machine learning could personalize oxygen levels for patients on ventilatorsMachine learning could personalize oxygen levels for patients on ventilators
Supplemental oxygen is among the most widely prescribed therapies in the world, with an estimated 13 to 20 million patients worldwide requiring oxygen delivery by mechanical ventilation each year.
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Researchers from Duke University created an assisted machine learning model that significantly enhances medical personnel's comprehension of the electroencephalography (EEG) charts of patients in intensive care.
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Almost a century ago, the discovery of antibiotics like penicillin revolutionized medicine by harnessing the natural bacteria-killing abilities of microbes.
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