The LabGard ES (Energy Saver) TE (Total Exhaust) NU-565 Class II, Type B2 Biosafety Cabinet and Fume Hood is a bench/table top model, available with base stand options. This BSC model is designed specifically to meet ASHRAE 110 certification and classified to UL 1805 specifications, so it may be used for work with flammable/volatile chemicals and radionuclides if permitted by chemical risk assessment. Components located inside or near the work zone are entirely flame resistant; all electronic components are coated in flame retardant and moved to outside the work zone, safely protected from any volatile or corrosive elements.
The TouchLink electronic control system utilizes a digital thermistor airflow sensor paired with a differential velocity pressure grid displays airflow dynamics in real-time. As a Class II, Type B2, the NU-565 must be 100% exhausted through your facility’s internal exhaust network.