1. penelope penelope United States says:

    Why can doctors not accept the idea that maybe women are making decisions based on what they want, rather than on statistics or what the doctor wants?

    It's virtually a given that early stage  (1 or 2) breast cancer is going to be "survivable."  The woman's question has now changed to "what is the best result for me personally?" The answer to that is most likely an early (or prophylactic) bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction.  

    Consider the improved appearance; the freedom from worry and future (often inaccurate) mammograms; the lack of radiation burns and skin damage. The one and done bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction involves less total treatment and recovery time and far less stress than the lumpectomy and radiation option.

    Thank goodness women are reaching out to each other and finding information beyond what the doctors want to "tell" them to do based on statistical analysis that does not consider quality of life issues. You should be listening instead of belittling. Consider this deprecating comment, "Reporters need to be aware that their stories could have an impact on what patients are choosing to do."  As if only doctors should have an impact on what women should think. This a modern version of a keep-them-barefoot-and-pregnant mentality -- don't think; just do what I tell is statistically best.

    There. I got that off my "reconstructed" chest!

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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