New insights on better diagnosis and treatment of ischemic cholecystitis

Ischemic cholecystitis is a form of gallbladder inflammation that occurs without gallstones or another form of external compression. It is caused by poor perfusion to the gallbladder tissue.

This new research is important because it helps to better understand the cause of ischaemic cholecystitis and to develop more effective treatments for this condition.

A team of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, conducted a study investigating the cause of ischaemic cholecystitis. They found that the gallbladder is particularly susceptible to ischemia because it receives its blood supply from a terminal artery, meaning that there is no other artery to supply blood to the gallbladder if this artery is blocked.

The researchers also found that ischaemic cholecystitis is more common in patients who are critically ill. This is because critically ill patients are often hypovolemic, meaning that they have low blood volume. This can lead to poor gallbladder perfusion, which can lead to inflammation.

These findings have important implications for the diagnosis and treatment of ischemic cholecystitis. Because it is often difficult to diagnose, ischaemic cholecystitis can be misdiagnosed as another condition, such as sepsis or pancreatitis. This can lead to delays in treatment and poorer outcomes for patients.

The researchers also found that ischemic cholecystitis is more likely to recur than obstructive cholecystitis. This means that patients with ischaemic cholecystitis are more likely to require surgery to remove their gallbladder.

The treatment for ischemic cholecystitis is surgical removal of the gallbladder. This is the only way to prevent the condition from recurring.

Ischaemic cholecystitis is a rare but serious condition that is more common in patients who are critically ill. Clinicians need to be aware of this condition to diagnose and treat it promptly.

Journal reference:

Favela, J. G., et al. (2023). Aetiology, diagnosis and management for ischaemic cholecystitis: current perspectives. eGastroenterology.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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