Customised microscope solutions gain interest at the Focus on Microscopy Exhibition

Prior Scientific reports on considerable interest in their custom built system solutions from visitors to their stand at the recent Focus on Microscopy Exhibition, held between 9th and 12th April 2017 in Bordeaux (France).

On display at the Prior Scientific stand were a customised inverted microscope and a nanoparticle characterisation system which attracted particular interest from imaging experts and microscopists interested in application optimised solutions.

Considerable investment in knowledgeable staff and modern production facilities over the last 20 years has enabled Prior Scientific to develop the capability to handle custom product contracts across the entire product development life cycle, from research and development through to full scale production.

With offices and manufacturing facilities in Cambridge, UK and Rockland, Massachusetts, USA offering research, development and manufacturing capabilities, Prior Scientific is able to offer an attractive way to transform ideas into customized systems, with reduced upfront designing and prototyping costs.

The company specialises in the creation of optical-based analytical instruments, thanks to a century of experience in the microscopy and optical instrument market. Prior Scientific is well known for its extensive range of motorised stages, focusing devices, robotic loaders and other accessories for research microscopes.

Source: Prior Scientific


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