Health-care reform bills continue to benefit illegal aliens

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Amendments Expected to Target Issue

Assurances that the two health-care reform bills would not benefit illegal aliens are not accurate. A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies examines in detail the immigration-related provisions of both the House-passed HR 3962 and the bill now being debated in the Senate, HR 3590. The report concludes that the bills, in their current form, would indeed give illegal aliens access to taxpayer-funded health care well beyond emergency medical treatment.

The report, "Immigration-Related Provisions of Senate and House Health Reform Bills," is authored by CIS Fellow James R. Edwards, Jr. It is online at

Key findings include:

  • HR 3962 ensures illegal alien access to the exchange and public option. HR 3590 states illegal immigrants are excluded from these.
  • Both bills ostensibly bar illegal aliens from receiving the premium subsidy, and both bills use some form of eligibility verification for the subsidy.
  • Both bills expand Medicaid eligibility. Both bills lack verification requirements based on citizenship or immigrant status. Both contain serious loopholes to enroll illegal aliens easily into Medicaid. HR 3962 automatically covers anchor babies.
  • The eligibility verification process in each bill falls woefully short of protecting taxpayer liability to cover or subsidize people living unlawfully in the United States. Both the House and Senate bills' verification processes will encourage large-scale fraud and abuse.
  • The Senate bill exempts illegal aliens from the mandate that everyone have health insurance or else face a tax penalty. This perverse exemption treats illegal aliens better than the bill treats American citizens.

SOURCE Center for Immigration Studies


  1. Steve Steve United States says:

    Once again, those, who crossed their fingers when they took their oath of office, continue to dismiss the will of the electorate and ignore the law regarding illegal aliens in this country.  Bordering on the collapse of health care financing, these politicians, who have a their own special health care plans, and I might add, continue to receive raises, support amnesty and open borders and don't mind spending our money to give these thieving, entitlement-seeking, scumbag illegals, what many of our tax-paying citizens can't get, full medical care, and free to boot.  This has got to stop.  We are broke and in debt over our heads and these idiots spit in the face of the American citizenry. Deport every last illegal now. We don't want them here and we don't need them for anything. Utterly disgusting.  A government against the people.

    • Leslie Leslie United States says:

      In response to your comment on deporting every last illegal  excuse me but how ignorant is that? God how I despise this kind of thinking how racist is that my god it makes me sick to my stomach this country is made up of immigrants no one is 100% american what do illegals take away from you? If anything they can help boost the economy because to tell you the truth hispanics work  really damn hard and they deserve to come out of the shadows and have the same right that any other human being out there what makes you so much better anyway selfish bastard.

  2. Brittanicus Brittanicus United States says:

    Laws to do with apprehension of illegal immigrants have always been compromised? Anything that really works is immediately attacked by the open border organization, in a silent conspiracy with both political parties. We the American people--the taxpayer have to always ultimately grin and bare it? We just pay out the money in copious taxes to the federal agency that delivers welfare benefits, to those who slip past the border guards.

    Our prisons are full, jails-- in 6-figure numbers of illegal people, along with a growing trend passed on to every foreign pregnant woman, that if they can bypass the sentinels along the border their babies are instant citizens. By delivering a baby here they can instantly if indirectly get food stamps, low income housing and many more birthright citizenship entitlements. This of course is a rampantly out-of-control recital that happens over and over again in the Sanctuary State of California. For a nation that has stepped on the moon, found the HMS Titanic in a huge expense of water, but--they are unable to deport the millions of people, who illegally settled here?  That any tourist can enter America and overstay their visa by bluffing the ICE agent? That we trust these parties to leave of their own accord when their visa time expires, even though that there is nothing to verify their departure? It really sad that Americans swallow the garbage we are fed from Washington. Now they--REALLY--expect us to believe of enacting a Comprehensive Immigration Reform that is reportedly said to be good for the economy?

    There are so many men and women jobless, with many living without hope. Penniless and so desperate they are going to food pantries and waiting for their unemployment benefits to run out. This is insane, absolutely outrageous and everyday more and more American Workers are losing their jobs to illegal laborers who take fewer wage. Trying to pass any kind of immigration reform stands on the very edge of madness? In the depth of a major recession they have the audacity to enact another BLANKET AMNESTY, and then we should call our reluctant Senators and Representatives to vote for The SAVE Act (H.R.3308) This is a composite of all intelligent immigration enforcement that propels Americans citizens and legalized newcomers first and always to vacated jobs? It contains E-Verify as a permanent addition of which The SAVE Act has received its 100th cosponsor, that being Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) who added his name to the long list.

    The SAVE Act (H.R.3308) would use currently available tools and resources to increase interior enforcement of federal immigration laws. The SAVE ACT would make E-Verify mandatory for all employers, increase monitoring of compliance of the E-Verify screening, require notification of identity theft; and the requirement of information sharing between the Social Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security and the Internal Revenue Service. Also increasing interior enforcement, the SAVE Act would, add more ICE  agents and increase funding to state, county and local law enforcement and expedite the deportation procedure by increasing detention capacity and the number of immigration judges. In addition Homeland Security has announced that it will be adding a new verification feature to the E-Verify Photo Tool this month to address employee privacy concerns?

    Currently an employee’s photo document is displayed on the E-Verify computer screen. At present, the photo screening tool will only “function” when an employee presents a recent version of a permanent resident card (I-551) or employment authorization document (EAD) as proof of employment authorization. A new security feature will add a watermark across the image that when viewed says “E-Verify Use Only”. This is to prevent unauthorized use or fraudulent manipulation of government-issued ID photograph. This will lessen any critic’s issue, to stop the griping and entertain .another court case? E-verify has the capability now to identify illegal immigrants using phony driver’s licenses and many other procured American entitlements. It could also halt the growing document fraud, Medi-care and state medical care unauthorized use. E-Verify have exclusive possibilities to achieve not only illegal entrants from employer’s headaches, but can identify bogus auto registration, child support and even unlawful section 8 and other subsidies.

    So get on the phone and demand as a voter for your lawmaker to vote for THE SAVE ACT (H.R. 3308) and be relentless. The number to call is 202-224-3121. Also bombard the House-Senate policy makers with 28 cent postcards, to stop the open border organizations from engineering another Path to citizenship or AMNESTY. Tell them to amend the 1986 Immigration Reform Act, not another facade that was a bloated with fraud.  Understand that THE SAVE ACT will protect American jobs and remove illegal immigrants from working locations over time. Those who believe in America’s survival, without OVERPOPULATION as stated by the US Census bureau better read the facts, not the lies at NUMBERSUSA. Those who want details of corruption in WASHINGTON and state government go to JUDICIAL WATCH. For Overpopulation statistics, should go to CAPSWEB. Other sites of interest on Immigration enforcement is ALIPAC and AMERICAN PATROL.

    • R R United States says:

      "Along with a growing trend passed on to every foreign pregnant woman, that if they can bypass the sentinels along the border their babies are instant citizens. By delivering a baby here they can instantly if indirectly get food stamps, low income housing and many more birthright citizenship entitlements. "

      Your mother, father, grandma and else were born this same way. Don't be ignorant. -you- were born this way. You are not truly an American. You are just the new generation of an immigrant who came a hundred or less years ago. This country is based on immigrants which gives you no right to judge them because you yourself are one of them. Stop being so selfish.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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