Program for healthcare writing opportunities

With ever-rising healthcare spending, writing opportunities about the health and wellness industry are unlimited. “Regardless of economic conditions, writers will always have lots of topics to cover,” says Sherry Shameer Cohen, President of the Connecticut Press Club. “People get sick and need treatment. Some want healthier lifestyles. With fierce competition to sell products from Lipitor and medical technology to lipstick and spa services, journalists, publicists and copywriters have more prospects than ever.”

“People get sick and need treatment. Some want healthier lifestyles. With fierce competition to sell products from Lipitor and medical technology to lipstick and spa services, journalists, publicists and copywriters have more prospects than ever.”

Writers, public relations experts and healthcare professionals can attend an eye-opening program on March 4 at The Norwalk Inn in Norwalk, CT. Speakers include Rebecca Shannonhouse, Editor of Bottom Line Health, Trisha Calvo, Executive Editor of SHAPE Magazine and George Pawlush, V.P., Public Relations/Community Affairs of Greenwich Hospital. Shannonhouse will guide writers on covering medical breakthroughs and specific conditions. Calvo will talk about the lifestyle aspect of health and wellness. Pawlush will discuss the role of public relations and marketing as hospitals compete for care and services.

This is the second in an occasional series on healthcare writing. Janet Carlson, Director of Beauty & Health of Town&Country Magazine spoke to the Connecticut Press Club about environmental health and shared her list of sources. Other topics include healthcare reform, food safety, medical marijuana, hospital infections, healthcare finance executive pay, labor issues and medical ethics. “In addition, we’ve noticed emerging trends for more writing opportunities,” notes Cohen. “More multiple physician practices are marketing themselves and need writers for press releases, brochures, custom publishing, advertising and web content. Magazines have special advertising sections in issues with healthcare themes.”

Healthcare spending is 17.3% of the U.S. gross domestic product, up from 16.2% last year, according to a recent report in Health Affairs, which also indicated that the total could reach $4.5 trillion by 2019. Government spending is projected to surpass private spending for the first time as the nation’s ageing population qualifies for Medicare and the government tries to expand public healthcare programs such as Medicaid.

The program, which is open to the public, will take place on Thursday, March 4 at The Norwalk Inn, 99 East Avenue in Norwalk. Admission is $35.00 for members of the press club and affiliated organizations and $40.00 for non-members. Dinner is included. For reservations, call (203) 968-8600 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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