Healthyroads announces new partnership status with NAQC

Healthyroads, the wellness subsidiary of American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH), announced its new partnership status with the North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC) and its approval to serve as an authorized quitline vendor in the state of Michigan. Healthyroads engages and inspires members to improve their health through an integrated wellness platform that includes telephone and e-coaching for tobacco cessation, as well as weight and stress management, nutrition, and healthy living.

Under the Comprehensive Health Care Program (CHCP), the state of Michigan selectively awards risk-based contracts to organizations with demonstrated capability and capacity for managing comprehensive care through a performance contract. Organizations like Healthyroads must partner with the state in providing fiscally prudent services to improve and maintain the health status of Medicaid beneficiaries. As a member of NAQC, Healthyroads is committed to playing a significant role in supporting quitlines and other tobacco cessation efforts and providing other services for quitlines (i.e. online services) throughout Michigan.

When providing services under the CHCP, Healthyroads must take into consideration the requirements of the Medicaid program and how to best serve the Medicaid population in the CHCP. Healthyroads must also participate in the collaborative efforts of Michigan, the communities, and the private sector to operate a managed care system that meets the special needs of these enrollees. NAQC supports Healthyroads and other quitline service providers through research, ongoing education, and promotion of evidence-based practices.

The Healthyroads Coaching® program for tobacco cessation is available to employer group and health plan clients, in addition to the company's own benefit-eligible employees. Healthyroads Coaches, made up of exercise, nutrition, and behavioral specialists, work with members to develop a plan for quitting and put it into action, while increasing overall health in the process. There are built-in incentives for those who join the tobacco cessation coaching program and continue to participate in it throughout the year—such as the Get Started! Reward that includes Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products which members can receive after participating in three coaching sessions. In addition, the Healthyroads Web site offers trackers, articles, and other tools to help smokers quit.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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