Cubresa’s NuPET™ is a revolutionary in-bore PET scanner that inserts into existing MRI instruments to create a powerful and flexible hybrid preclinical in vivo imaging platform that combines the molecular sensitivity of PET with the superior anatomical, structural, and functional information of MRI.
Researchers using simultaneous PET/MRI imaging can measure multiple physiological processes concurrently with exceptional tissue contrast, quantitative accuracy, and study throughput.
Discover links between molecular mechanisms and functional response
Sequential PET/MRI scanning captures data at different times, making it difficult to analyze important functional relationships when animal physiology can change within minutes.
With NuPET’s simultaneous scanning, PET and MRI work in unison to capture time-synchronized and highly complimentary information previously unattainable – so you can trailblaze a path to new discoveries.
Quantify with new confidence
Exceptionally precise PET/MR image co-registration and paired PET and MRI data points unleash advances like MR-based motion correction and partial volume correction (PVC) that increase PET quantitation accuracy.
With MRI’s high soft-tissue contrast, VOIs can be accurately drawn using anatomical data with no guesswork. Shorter anesthesia duration helps minimize animal stress and reduce the risk of inducing physiological changes that can affect study quality.

Accelerate study throughput
Concurrent PET/MRI acquisition maximizes efficiency and helps make optimal use of tracer batches. The NuPET scanner can be quickly inserted and removed, making integration into any high throughput MRI facility easy.

- MR Compatible design and true simultaneous PET/MRI data acquisition
- Supports powerful small animal gradients in a wide range of MRI systems at various field strengths
- State of the art PET technology delivers high spatial resolution and sensitivity
- Automatic PET/MRI co-registration
- Intuitive acquisition & reconstruction software
- Rapid setup time and fast removal with no modifications to the MRI system
- Stand-alone PET imaging option for maximum flexibility and utilization