The GEMINI active and passive avoidance system was specifically intended to ensure accuracy, dependability, and convenience of use in learning and memory studies.
Without the need for technical know-how or specialized training, the system will connect to the computer or a fully configured computer from SDI using a basic USB connection. After setup is finished, use GEMINI’s versatile hardware and software features to conduct a variety of avoidance tests.
These features include running stations independently, enabling continuous testing, saving all data in a single file, and setting up the entire active and passive avoidance study in advance.
- Configure up to eight independent avoidance chambers for quick testing of subjects
- Gate opens in 500 milliseconds
- Quiet auto doors, user-selectable audio stimuli, non-heating LED house lights, and laboratory-standard cue lights are examples of cues
- Two unconditioned stimuli available, shock or air puff
- Run the entire system from the laptop or PC using a regular USB port
- Deploy continuous testing using independent stations
- Switch between rats and mice in less than 5 minutes using interchangeable grid flooring
SDI’s GEMINI active and passive avoidance system was developed specifically for testing active and passive avoidance in rats and mice. Unlike many others, GEMINI’s gear and software were specifically designed for the avoidance study.
GEMINI’s unique design enables users to run up to eight independently operated stations directly from their laptops using a conventional USB port. Furthermore, by allowing users to construct whole research in advance, GEMINI removes run-time data entering, which may impair the correctness of the results.
When defining the study, the avoidance testing protocol definitions will provide several cues that can be used separately or combined to examine passive and active avoidance. The sound cue provides a wide range of settings, allowing users to create any frequency or white noise required.
Furthermore, SDI’s patented Shocker provides the unconditioned stimulus, scrambling the shocks to prevent the subject from memorizing the pattern and thereby avoiding the shock stimulus.
GEMINI Avoidance System highlights:
Setup GEMINI stations with limited technical knowledge
The device will connect to the PC directly via a regular USB port. If it uses numerous stations, it can be simply connected using normal USB hubs.
Monitor learned helplessness behavior
GEMINI™ is suitable for studying learned helplessness, as well as active and passive avoidance. If the study requires learned helplessness testing, use GEMINI™, a system designed for it.
The most flexible active and passive avoidance software available
GEMINI’s latest software provides users with unprecedented flexibility and accuracy. Not only is all of the data kept in a single, easily accessible file, but users may also define the entire study in advance by allocating animals to certain stations for each session and then giving a specified protocol for each test session.
The software will record the session data and save it in the study's single file. When the user is ready, display the data directly on the computer screen or export it with a single click to Microsoft® Excel or a delimited file type. Additional software features include:
GEMINI Protocol Definitions govern the cues, shock level, and shock duration. Another essential feature is that the Inter-Trial intervals can be configured for fixed or random durations, preventing the subject from detecting a trend. When users save the Protocol Definitions and reuse them in various studies, they save time by avoiding duplicate data entry and ensuring the consistency of their findings.
- Define the study in advance
Defining each planned test session ensures users collect the most accurate data possible. Users can configure session parameters and subject identifiers, assign subjects to specific test stations, and specify subject parameters like dose level. Everything will be kept in a single file format to avoid losing any vital data.
Defining the research in advance not only saves users time by automating sessions, but it also removes run-time decisions and data entry, which can lead to errors. Users will also verify that the findings are tightly associated with the preset subject identifiers. Simply follow the GEMINI software instructions to run the test session.
Export directly to Microsoft® Excel (or any delimited file type)
The Gemini software provides table formatted results for easy export to Microsoft® Excel or a delimited file type (TAB, CSV, etc.) and automatically identifies data based on column headers. Since the data is exported from a single file, users will not lose crucial information and will save time by eliminating the need to combine several single files and potentially reformat them again.
Start and stop stations independently
Continually test animals by operating each GEMINI chamber separately. The loading and unloading of animals into specific chambers does not affect the operation of the other stations.
Maximize the options with multiple cues
Using the GEMINI software, pick the desired cues and their durations. This feature gives users the most flexibility in protocol creation.
Choose from two light cues: House Light and Cue Light, as well as sound cues with the flexibility to choose the exact frequency or white noise that users desire, giving them nearly endless alternatives. All cues can be used alone or together to assess passive avoidance, learned helplessness, and active avoidance.
No false crossing errors
GEMINI stations contain eight photobeams on each side to correctly pinpoint the animal. The photobeams can also be turned off near the Auto Door to ensure that the animal has completely entered a compartment. This feature eliminates false crossing mistakes. Systems lacking this feature—or with fewer beams—have been found to record exploratory behavior as a crossover, reducing the accuracy of results.
Delay the unconditioned stimulus
Ensure that the passive avoidance test results are not corrupted by delaying the introduction of the unconditioned stimulus (US), which could be a foot shock or an air puff. When the US is not delayed, the subject’s learning ability can be harmed by unintentionally linking the US to the gate closure.
One system that works for both rats and mice
Change the grid floors in under five minutes, eliminating the need for two separate systems.
Scrambled shock provides more accurate responses
The SDI animal shocker is a solid-state feedback-controlled, constant current shocker with eight distinct outputs that jumble the shock throughout the grid floor. Scrambling the shock prevents the animal from identifying a pattern, resulting in more accurate responses.
Furthermore, GEMINI’s shocker is the only one of its kind that shows the actual current being administered to the subject, adding clarity and precision to the research.
Ensure subjects respond to the right cues
In passive avoidance tests, GEMINI’s silent Auto Door prevents the subject from associating the cue with the door closing. Furthermore, the door closes with gravity, ensuring that the animal is not hurt while inside the box.
Kinder, gentler unconditioned stimulus
The Gemini System provides an alternate air puff unconditioned stimulus. This is a milder, gentler unconditioned stimulus.
GEMINI Avoidance System components
- Active & Passive Avoidance Software (on USB stick)
- Driver Software (on USB stick)
- Test station with 2 chambers and grid floor for rats (or mice), 16 photobeams, 2 LED “house” and 2 “cue” lights, two sound speakers, and Auto Door
- Cables, connectors and power supply
- USB Hub (for multiple station GEMINI configurations)
GEMINI optional components
- Grid floors (for rats or mice)
- Shock Level Tester
- Air puff stimulation unit (AIRSTIM)
- Additional test stations
- Mouse passive avoidance start box
- Dimensions
- Outside: 26”(W) x 13”(D) x 17.25” (H) Inside: 9.5”(W) x 8”(D) x 8”(H) (each side)
- Weight
- Material Composition
- Acrylic and aluminum, stainless steel (Gate)
- Maximum # Stations
- # of Photobeams
- 16 infrared per enclosure
- Photobeam Spacing
- Standard Cable Length
- Stimuli Options
- Cue lights, house lights, sound, shock, gate
- Stainless Steel Grids

Image Credit: San Diego Instruments, Inc.

Image Credit: San Diego Instruments, Inc.

Image Credit: San Diego Instruments, Inc.

Image Credit: San Diego Instruments, Inc.

Image Credit: San Diego Instruments, Inc.

Image Credit: San Diego Instruments, Inc.