Bruker is launching InsightMR™ software for on-line NMR analysis of chemical processes at Pittcon 2015. For the first time, a software platform enables the adjustment of experimental parameters based on real time data during the analysis of chemical processes by NMR spectroscopy. InsightMR’s user friendly interface allows both expert and non-expert users to set up, monitor and adjust key experimental parameters.

As a result the software is the ideal solution for both industrial and academic scientists studying and optimizing organic reactions. InsightMR has already proven successful with the first installation at Pfizer Inc., Connecticut, USA, where it has been used to apply NMR to on-line reaction monitoring to solve real chemical questions within the drug development pipeline.
Brian Marquez, Market Manager at Bruker BioSpin, explained, “On-line NMR is a ground-breaking approach to reaction understanding and chemical process monitoring. It provides essential information to support reaction optimization in a process development environment.” Brian Marquez continued, “InsightMR makes NMR accessible to both expert and non-expert users in a range of application areas, including synthetic organic chemistry, process chemistry and PAT. The software provides a complete workflow from experiment setup to rapidly processing data for analysis, thereby facilitating strategic decisions that can ultimately lead to significant cost savings.”
InsightMR provides a complete workflow from data acquisition to project report with the ability to export data in multiple formats for additional processing. The software seamlessly integrates with Bruker spectrometers providing a turn-key solution to investigate chemical reaction mechanisms and optimize reaction processes by NMR.