Cell Signaling Technology and Beyond Benign collaborate to advance green chemistry education

Cell Signaling Technology (CST), a life science discovery technology company and leading provider of antibodies, kits, and services, today announced a partnership with global green chemistry education nonprofit Beyond Benign. As part of CST's ongoing commitment to supporting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) initiatives and promoting sustainability in life sciences, the partnership will help prepare the next generation of scientists with the skills and expertise needed to apply green practices in the lab.

“Like Beyond Benign, CST is passionate about reducing the environmental impact the life sciences industry has on ecosystems worldwide, and we recognize that the next generation of scientists will play a critical role in bringing about a sustainable future,” said Anthony Michetti, Director of Sustainability at CST. “Investing in students and education is one of the many ways CST is working to inspire industry-wide change for a healthier, more diverse global community.”

Working together, CST and Beyond Benign will provide educators with free, open access to green chemistry teaching resources and the support needed to enable sustainable science education in the classroom. As part of the partnership, CST has become a founding sponsor of Beyond Benign's Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community (GCTLC), which will launch in Fall 2023. The GCTLC is an online platform that will provide global access to resources and training for more than 4,000 faculty members worldwide. By helping educators develop the skills needed to more effectively train the next generation of scientists to think more sustainably, and ultimately carry this knowledge on into their careers, the GCTLC advances Beyond Benign's goal of ensuring 25% of graduating chemists have a background in green chemistry by 2025.

Beyond Benign is fostering a global community of transformation that will help solve the world's most pressing sustainability challenges. Support from CST will help us to effect systemic and lasting change in chemistry education that will help to empower future generations to make more sustainable choices to reduce or eliminate hazardous substances and improve human health and the environment.”

Dr Amy Cannon, Co-founder and Executive Director, Beyond Benign

Support of Beyond Benign is part of CST's commitment to 1% for the Planet, through which the company has promised to donate at least 1% of its total annual revenue to a network of nonprofit organizations tackling the world's most pressing environmental issues.


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    Cell Signaling Technology. (2024, May 17). Cell Signaling Technology and Beyond Benign collaborate to advance green chemistry education. News-Medical. Retrieved on September 20, 2024 from https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230920/Cell-Signaling-Technology-and-Beyond-Benign-collaborate-to-advance-green-chemistry-education.aspx.

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    Cell Signaling Technology. "Cell Signaling Technology and Beyond Benign collaborate to advance green chemistry education". News-Medical. 20 September 2024. <https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230920/Cell-Signaling-Technology-and-Beyond-Benign-collaborate-to-advance-green-chemistry-education.aspx>.

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    Cell Signaling Technology. "Cell Signaling Technology and Beyond Benign collaborate to advance green chemistry education". News-Medical. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230920/Cell-Signaling-Technology-and-Beyond-Benign-collaborate-to-advance-green-chemistry-education.aspx. (accessed September 20, 2024).

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    Cell Signaling Technology. 2024. Cell Signaling Technology and Beyond Benign collaborate to advance green chemistry education. News-Medical, viewed 20 September 2024, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230920/Cell-Signaling-Technology-and-Beyond-Benign-collaborate-to-advance-green-chemistry-education.aspx.


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