1. Greg Dahlen Greg Dahlen United States says:

    I may have come upon something that may have groundbreaking results for health. It is a diet that helped my eyes. For the same reasons it helped my eyes, I think it might help many diseases, including AIDS, cancer, and so on.

    For about 11 years now, I have been living more than 90% on fluid milk products, cow milk and cow cream. So every day more than 90% of my diet is some kind of milk or milks--nonfat, lowfat, or whole--plus I sometimes buy containers of half-and-half (half milk and half cream) or pure fluid whipping cream and drink them straight.

    For me when I eat solid, mixed food my eyes hurt and vision blurs. But if I follow this diet of more than 90% milk and cream they feel and work better. I don't know all the reasons the diet helps. One I'm quite aware of involves how food nutrients affect the cells. So when a person eats or drinks something, first their system breaks it up, then it extracts the nutrients and the nutrients circulate in the blood and reach the cells and nourish the cells. Based on my experience, I would say that even after solid food has been processed by one's digestive system, the nutrients from the solid food still aren't as broken-up as those from milk and cream, and hence when they reach the cells clog the cells more, causing pain and dysfunction. Milk and cream don't clog as much, and hence less pain and dysfunction. That's one reason why I think the diet might help multiple diseases, including cancer.

    I got the diet from the Masai tribe of Kenya. They are famous for living only on products from their cows, milk and beef. They do follow one rule of food mixing: "If a man eats meat and drinks milk on the same day, he is a glutton." Since I don't want to be a glutton, I have to choose every day whether it will be a "milk day" or a "meat day." I like beef but prefer milk, so for me it is always a milk day. I don't know if the diet would work if I had occasional beef days. But I'm happy as I am.

    I think milk and cream are quite delicious, so I don't think the diet is a sacrifice. At least not for me. I do urinate 30-40 times a day, but that's not really that much trouble, and a small price to pay for feeling much better.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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