Jan 24 2005
The first reading of the Private Bill to ban all smoking in Liverpool workplaces is being presented in the House of Lords today. Mr James Johnson, BMA Chairman and a vascular surgeon working around Liverpool, has called for mass support of the Bill.
"Liverpool is leading the way in trying to protect its residents from second-hand smoke - John Reid could learn a thing or two from this campaign.
"As a vascular surgeon I see first-hand the devastating effects of tobacco related diseases. I regularly have to carry out leg amputations because smoking clogs up people's arteries.
"I would like to congratulate Liverpool for showing leadership by trying to go smoke-free. Obviously it would be better if we were not talking about Liverpool but the whole country. Hopefully other cities will follow suit, leaving John Reid no option but to go smoke-free with no exemptions."
At least 1000 people in the UK die every year from passive smoking. According to the Government's own scientists ''no infant, child or adult should be exposed to second-hand smoke'.