Outcomes selected to administer MTM program for employees in the State of Iowa

Outcomes Pharmaceutical Health Care® (Outcomes®) has been selected by the State of Iowa Department of Administrative Services to administer a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program for the state employee health plan.

“Medication Therapy Management is about strong public-private partnerships that save taxpayer money and improves the quality of life of state employees. A win-win if I ever saw one”

Under the program, State of Iowa employees and dependents will be eligible to receive MTM services to help them achieve safe and effective results from their medications. It is anticipated over 64,000 patients will be enrolled across Iowa.

"Medication Therapy Management is about strong public-private partnerships that save taxpayer money and improves the quality of life of state employees. A win-win if I ever saw one," said Iowa Senator Jeff Danielson (D - Cedar Falls), who championed legislation for the program.

Among the services available is an annual Comprehensive Medication Review, which allows patients to meet one-on-one with a specially-trained pharmacist or other qualified health care provider in their area. The pharmacist will review the patient's complete medication profile to detect any potential conflicts or duplications and work with area doctors to optimize each patient's medication regimen. Other covered services include Prescriber Consultations, Patient Education & Monitoring and Patient Compliance Consultations.


Outcomes Pharmaceutical Health Care


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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