AMCC to raise awareness about dangers of prescription drug abuse across the U.S.

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On November 12, 2016 the 7th Annual American Medicine Chest Challenge (AMCC) --- a national public health initiative to raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and encourage safe disposal of prescription drugs will be held in communities throughout the nation.

"The American Medicine Chest Challenge can help save the lives of our children," said Angelo M. Valente, CEO of AMCC. "By participating in AMCC's 5 Step Challenge, families throughout the country are safeguarding their home from the potential misuse and abuse of medicine. The 5-steps include taking inventory of your medicine, securing your medicine chest, taking medicine only as prescribed, safely disposing of unused, unwanted, and expired medicine, and most importantly, talking to your children about the dangers of prescription drugs."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has labeled prescription drug abuse an epidemic, reporting that the majority of drug overdose deaths, more than six out of ten, involve an opioid and, the number of overdose deaths involving opioids (including prescription opioid pain relievers and heroin) nearly quadrupled since 1999. More than 78 people die every day from overdoses involving narcotic pain relievers.

"With over 2,000 community and law enforcement partners nationwide, an awakening to the dangers of prescription drug abuse and a call to action to safely dispose of unused, unwanted, and unneeded medicine is continuing," explained Valente, who noted disposal locations across the country can be found on AmericanMedicineChest.Com or through the free Mobile App "AMCC RX Drop."


American Medicine Chest Challenge


  1. Lonnie Przybysz Lonnie Przybysz United States says:

    As if life is not hard enough for people like me who live in chronic pain!
    Along comes another public, nationl health initiative (most likely taxpayer funded & our taxes dollars wasted) by American Medicine Chest Challenge to make all chronic pain patients jump thru more hoops & loops, and make it more difficult for pain sufferers to get the pain medications they need in order to have any quality of life. The very reason the pain medications were developed,was to alleviate a patients pain if at all possible, if not;to at least lessen peoples pain to such a degree as to make it bearable or manageable. Also, to give those with chronic pain (i.e, Myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, severe rhumetoid athritis, etc.,) or severe intermientent pain,(i.e, cluster headaches) as much relief as safely possible. Doctors have the education, skill, training, & experience, to acess the relative level of pain their patients are subject to; based on the disease, trauma, or illness they suffer and the condition & history of their patient. But, the only one with the education, training, skill & knowledge to accurately know & prescribe the opiate pain medication & dosage the patient needs is the doctor; but groups like AMCC, the DEA, (drug enforcement agency) with their "Gestappo like tactics" threatening doctors who legally prescribe opiate pain medications for their patients that need them, with huge fines, lawsuits, & loss of their license , to the point where they are afraid to prescribe the medicines their expertise tells them the patient needs; least the DEA bullies & acuses them of overperscribing, puts them on a list of "pill pusher dr.'s" watches their every move, disrupts their office with no concern for the waiting patients, or doctor's reputation, as they disrupt the office while they go thru every single file on every single patient & review every prescription the dr. has written, and though they have no medical training, skill, or knowledge of any kind, they can at will, slap the doctor with huge $50,000-$100,000 fines or much more,  for prescribing unecessary pain medication, or for not getting an 85 yr old patient to take a pee test every single visit, thefore the doctor under perscribes pain medication for his patients with chronic pain, painful illnesses, etc., and in many cases patients cannot get the pain meds they need at all, if their pain is not from a visible injury, or cancer. The patients are left in pain & despair, many living in agony & depression, unable to participate or enjoy their families, spend time w/ their children or grandchildren & the misery these tax payer funded groups cause is endless. The gestappo practice,s don't stop at the dr.'s offices either. The DEA has programed Pharmacist to be suspicous of every customer, checking ID is mandatory even if they have known the customer for 50 yrs! All of these things are the exact tactics the Nazi Germany government started out using in Germany when they came to power.They are programming pharmacist to view their customers who bring in pain medication perscriptions with suspicion, to question them, and monitor or pay close attention to their behaviour. They train the cashiers & pharmacy assitants & employees, to report any activity or gesture that might look suspicious by a customer fulfilling any narcotic medication (not just narcotic pain meds). They put up signs in the store or pharmacy with toll free #'s, telling people to report anything they see a customer doing that they think might be suspicious, i.e., "that person looked "High" to me". The very exact thing the Nazi's did! They got people who got mad at their neighbors, or had  little tiff with them, turning them in for suspicious activity, & though totally innocent they were sent off to concentration camps or re-patronage camps to train them in the nazi way of thinking & behaving. And like the Nazi party, the DEA has no oversight committe or checks & balance power to oversee them, there is no Gov't agency that has the power or authority over them to investigate them or reprimand them. The finest lawyer in the 2nd largest city in our state, he was also a juvenile court judge, & a gentlemen, the only time I ever heard him cuss was when he told me " The DEA are the worst,most power abusing, lying, Gestappo tactic ---holes! I have ever come across!!" Pain patients are already subjected to being treated like criminals by having to be urine tested every month,  they have already frightened most doctors, emergency rooms, hospitals, & pharmacies, by bullying & threatening them with huge fines & loss of their licenses, to the point where people who need serious relief from pain cannot even go to an emergency room or hospital and get any help or relief from their agonizing pain, unless maybe their arm or leg is cut off! Then they will give them pain medicine while their in the hospital but they will send them home with prescription ibuprofen! And Now finally let's not forget the good old crooked CDC of Atlanta, our Center for Diesease Control. Did you notice how the sly, lying, CDC, added herion users with the presciption opoid users, to get the number of deaths caused by opioid users??!! why would they add illegl herion users when the subject & event is the 7th annual " American Medicine Chest Challenge"? How many people do you think keep heroin in their medicine chest? And why did they have to add heroin in the equation? technically an opioid, but it is an illegl drug, not a prescription drug. Because, there is no need for the AMC, it is a waste of taxpayers money & totally unnecessary & useless. There is no majority of prescription drug overdoses, or no prescription drug epidemic, to get their epidemic figures of 6 out of 10 opoid deaths they had to add the illegal drug heroin! We all know that Heroin is a wicked drug that people shoot into their veins and they commonly, overdose on b/c they are shooting up while they are too high, & they are putting this powerful drug straight into their viens. Yet the DEA chooses to harass the legal prescription users, the patients who need the pain medicine cannot get it. And the CDC is always too busy lying to us, in bed with the elite, pushing vaccines (which is what the Nazi's also did by the way) they know are deadly b/c they put mercury & other contaminates & viruses in them that cause autisium, and other debilitating or deadly diseases. It was proven years ago that the CDC & this same shadow elite gov't, caused the polio epidemic that 10's of 1000's of children & some adults got. The government actually faked the first outbreak of polio that caused the rush to develop a vaccine (which they really already had of course!) and the panic to protect peoples children from "infantile paralysis". Parents were frightened to death that their children would catch it, and you cannot blame them b/c many children actually died, it did not stop at the legs, that was usually just the last & most lasting result of the disease, for those with strong enough immune systems to fight it off. It was extremely terrible b/c children & adults would have their chest & lungs paralyzed & have to live in an iron lung. And these same agencies that did that, are still doing harmful things to us knowingly. The polio incident ws proven & documented, because it was discovered that to scare everyone into demanding the vaccine, they gave an entire town polio! The United States Government actually settled the case with the town out of court, of course with a "nondisclousre" agreement in order for the towns people to receive the payoff & get the free & best medical attention for their children & loved ones who were still stricken with the disease. Iron lungs were very expensive! And their still up to the same old thing, only worse!

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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