Senate majority leader blasts anti-Obamacare ads

The ads, released by the group Americans For Posterity, had Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid condemning them and the Koch brothers, the backers of the group, as "un-American" in a Senate floor speech Wednesday. He later softened his comments.

Los Angeles Times: Harry Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American' Over Obamacare Ads
Majority Leader Harry Reid, angered by a new round of anti-Obamacare ads he called "lies," condemned the Koch brothers as "un-American" on the Senate floor Wednesday. Reid's remarks attacking the billionaire Republican contributors Charles and David Koch reflect Democrats' increasing concern that the spending by outside groups like Americans for Prosperity against Democratic candidates could cost the party its Senate majority (Memoli, 2/26).

The Associated Press/Washington Post: Top Senate Dem: Koch Brothers Are Un-American
The Senate's top Democrat criticized a pair of billionaire brothers in unusually harsh terms Wednesday, accusing the conservative duo of being "un-American," spreading lies about President Barack Obama's health care overhaul and lacking a conscience. In a pair of appearances on the Senate floor, Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., became the latest Democrat this election year to denunciate Charles and David Koch -; pronounced "Coke" (2/26). 

Politico: Harry Reid Tempers Koch Criticism
AFP has flooded money into states like North Carolina and Louisiana where the GOP is targeting vulnerable incumbent Democrats. The group also began attacking Rep. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) -- a Senate candidate -- this week for his support of Obamacare, which the ad alleges knocked a leukemia patient off of her insurance plan (Everett, 2/27). 

Reuters: Senate Leader Reid Blasts Koch Brothers Over Obamacare Ads
Top Senate Democrat Harry Reid on Wednesday accused the billionaire Koch brothers of spreading "horror stories" about President Barack Obama's health care law, in the latest salvo in the election-year debate over Obamacare. Reid, the Senate Majority leader, blasted ads by Americans for Prosperity, a political advocacy group backed by David and Charles Koch (Heavey, 2/26).

CNN: Reid: 'Vast Majority' Of Koch Ads Are Lies
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid fired away Wednesday at political ads hitting Obamacare funded by the billionaire Koch brothers that he says are all "untrue." Reid later eased off some of his comments, but continued to pile on criticism of Americans for Prosperity. That group, backed by conservatives Charles and David Koch, has flooded airwaves with ads attacking vulnerable Democratic senators up for reelection and Senate candidates for their support of Obamacare (Davidsen, 2/26).

Fox News: Harry Reid Walks Back Claim That Obamacare Woes Are Bogus
If you don't know what the term "walking it back" means, Harry Reid's Twitter feed is a textbook case. He took to the Senate floor Wednesday morning saying that Republicans lie, and then tweeted a YouTube video of his remarks along with this caption: "While Republicans use tall tales to attack Obamacare, Democrats have real stories of people who are saving on their premiums thanks to the law. We don't have to make things up" (Ashburn, 2/27).

http://www.kaiserhealthnews.orgThis article was reprinted from with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.



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