Americord Registry, Smart Cells International partner to educate parents on benefits of cord blood banking

Today, Americord Registry announced a new partnership with Smart Cells International, the first cord blood company in the United Kingdom, as part of its initiatives during Cord Blood Awareness Month (July) to educate parents around the globe on the benefits of cord blood banking.

Conducting their respective operations in different regions of the world, Americord and Smart Cells represent two pillars of a global industry that is growing each year. "We are excited about our partnership with Smart Cells International," said Martin Smithmyer, CEO of Americord. "Our aligned mission to provide parents with both the information they need and the highest quality stem cell banking service means that we can further a culture of transparent, trustworthy cord blood banking for all families."

Smart Cells International occupies a significant portion of the global distribution of cord blood banking equipment and storage, including Asia and the Middle East. Invested in the development of new technologies and innovation, Smart Cells believes in the potential of stem cell storage for all families and incorporates the latest scientific breaches in their products and prioritizes customer service and affordability above all.

"We have released more samples for transplants in the last 2 years than we did in the first ten signifying something very important; that stem cell technology is one of the most exciting areas of science in our time," said Smart Cells International CEO Shamshad Ahmed. "This evolving area of medical science is making big steps in a positive direction. Smart Cells are delighted to join hands with Americord and provide customers with this invaluable opportunity to raise awareness and choose simple health protection for families all over the world."

Similarly, Americord® is a leader in the advancement of stem cell banking in the United States and is the only cord blood bank collecting stem cells from cord blood, cord tissue, and placenta tissue. And with Cord Blood 2.0™, Americord's® stem cell collections are double the collection size of other banks, which makes it possible to treat an adult.

Cord Blood Awareness Month serves to educate expecting parents on the advantages of cord blood and tissue banking. Throughout July, Americord and Smart Cells will reach out to expecting parents around the world to raise awareness and educate them on the benefits of cord blood banking. "Smart Cells is an ideal organization to work with, as we share a common goal," said Smithmyer. "We want to provide the highest quality stem cell banking with personalized customer service and make that accessible to all families."


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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