Future opportunities explored with ITL Group's business development manager

Ashford, Kent based ITL Group is ready to seize the opportunities of life outside the European Union, as strategic expansion in overseas markets puts the company in pole position for future growth.

ITL celebrates its 40th year of business in 2017, building a reputation as a trusted full-service design and manufacturing partner for leading life-saving medical technology, diagnostic devices and analytical instruments.

In addition to a successful UK operation, ITL Group has seen significant growth in the United States and China, where stand-alone divisions have enabled the company to become an increasingly global player in the med-tech sector.

Tom Ackrill, ITL Group’s Business Development Manager has an excellent overview of where the company is at, given his role in identifying and attracting future opportunities.

The right decisions made since 1977, have, he says, created a perfect opportunity for ITL to fly the flag for UK plc; producing innovative and ground-breaking devices for an increasingly international customer base.

“Over the past 40 years, we’ve produced world firsts in a lot of instances – from the first integrated DNA workstation to wearable heart monitors and ground-breaking cancer imaging projects,” commented Tom.

“Whilst we’ve seen it all and done it all, we aren’t just resting on our laurels. We’re constantly going after the new, the clever and the innovative. The priority for us – as it has always been – is to find those new innovations; find those companies looking to push the envelope and show them what we can do.

“It’s an exciting time to be in the med-tech sector. There is more and more demand now for cost effective detection methods that produce rapid results. Point of care, hand held devices are very popular, right now.  Our provenance was always in this area so it puts us in a great position.

“Looking ahead, if President Trump gets his way and manufacturing off-shore loses its appeal, we’ve already got a foothold in the States that’s ready. That ‘Made in the US’ badge is going to be pretty valuable going forward.

“As for Brexit, the whole situation has actually done well for us so far.  It’s allowed us to trade more with China and bring manufacturing – and potentially R&D - to the UK.  I hope it stays that way.”




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    Vitl Life Science Solutions. "Future opportunities explored with ITL Group's business development manager". News-Medical. 23 October 2024. <https://www.news-medical.net/news/20170623/Future-opportunities-explored-with-ITL-Groups-business-development-manager.aspx>.

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    Vitl Life Science Solutions. "Future opportunities explored with ITL Group's business development manager". News-Medical. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20170623/Future-opportunities-explored-with-ITL-Groups-business-development-manager.aspx. (accessed October 23, 2024).

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    Vitl Life Science Solutions. 2023. Future opportunities explored with ITL Group's business development manager. News-Medical, viewed 23 October 2024, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20170623/Future-opportunities-explored-with-ITL-Groups-business-development-manager.aspx.


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