Chronic dizziness may have several psychiatric and neurologic causes

Chronic dizziness may have several common causes, including anxiety disorders, migraine, traumatic brain injury and disorders in the part of the nervous system governing involuntary activities, according to a report in the February issue of Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery.

One particular type of chronic dizziness not related to vertigo (a feeling of turning or whirling usually associated with inner ear problems) has long vexed physicians, according to background information in the article. "Patients with this syndrome have chronic nonspecific dizziness, subjective imbalance and hypersensitivity to motion stimuli, which are exacerbated in complex visual environments (e.g., walking in a busy store, driving in the rain)," the authors write. Some researchers have proposed the term chronic subjective dizziness for this condition.

Jeffrey P. Staab, M.D., M.S., and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, studied 345 men and women age 15 to 89 (average age 43.5) who had dizziness for three months or longer due to unknown causes. From 1998 to 2004, the patients were tracked from their referral to a balance center through multiple specialty examinations until they were given a diagnosis.

"All but six patients were diagnosed as having psychiatric or neurologic conditions, including primary or secondary anxiety disorders, migraine, traumatic brain injury and neurally mediated dysautonomias," or abnormal functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary actions. Anxiety disorders were associated with 60 percent of the chronic dizziness cases and central nervous system conditions (including migraine, brain injuries and autonomic nervous system disorders) with 38.6 percent. Six patients (1.7 percent) had irregular heartbeats.

"The results of this investigation provide some insight into pathophysiologic mechanisms that may precipitate and perpetuate chronic dizziness," the authors write. "Two-thirds of patients had medical conditions associated with the onset of dizziness, whereas one-third had anxiety disorders as the initial cause. Therefore, chronic subjective dizziness may be triggered by either neurotologic [ear-related] or psychiatric conditions."

"Key diagnostic features were identified in the clinical history for each illness," they continue. For example, those with migraines often had nausea or vomiting, anxiety disorders were associated with fear and worry, and those with autonomic nervous system disorders tended to become dizzy when they exerted themselves. "Careful inquiry about these key features during otologic evaluations may increase diagnostic precision and lead to more specific treatment recommendations for these perplexing patients."


  1. R.J. R.J. United States says:

    Since the age of 13, I've been dealing with episodes of chronic dizziness. These spells come on gradually and are preceded(almost like an aura) by a woozy(for lack of a better word) and weak sensation of the limbs, confusion, and increased sensitivity to light, sound, and other stimuli.

    At the height of the spell, I can not function at all but need sleep. It get's so bad at times, I have to brace my head tightly and scream in agony(There are times where I can't even lay on my back). But sensations of falling, spinning, lightheadedness and imbalance are noticeably absent(although nausea and vomiting do occur if the episode is long enough)!

    The spell will not go away unless I get deep sleep(Ive never had an episode first thing after awaking). Otherwise They'll last for several hours!

    At one point, these spells occurred every day. But now only happen occasionally(thankfully).

    I've tried everything from under the sun(to no avail). Is there anyone out there who experiences these acute dizzy spells besides me? I am now 25 years old and have had this problem now for 12 years...Help!

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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