Interactive health assessment system from RedBrick Health

RedBrick Health, the Health EarningsSM company, today announced the launch of its own next-generation, highly interactive health assessment. Integral to RedBrick’s Health Earnings System, the company’s new health assessment is compact, conversational and graphical, all significant departures from conventional health assessments.

“Traditional health assessment questionnaires feel like you’re taking a test,” said Kyle Rolfing, chief executive officer for RedBrick Health. “We believe that’s simply the wrong approach to engaging the majority of consusysmers in understanding and improving their health. Instead, we’ve taken a different angle and created a modern Web experience that has the feel of a conversation with a trusted coach -- all as part of one seamless path through our Health Earnings System. From start-to-finish, the health management experience has to be easy and fun for consumers.”

RedBrick’s Health Earnings System creates financial alignment and partnership between employers and employees around containing health care costs, while providing employees the integrated tools and resources needed to pro-actively take concrete steps to improve their health and earn lower costs.

Once an employee completes his or her health assessment, RedBrick’s Health Earnings System combines the results with biometric screening data and medical/pharmacy claims data to provide participants with a real-time, personalized recommendations and program enrollment options. Employees can then immediately get started with the help of a “live” health coach by phone or alternatively use an online digital coaching option. At each point along the way, employees have multiple opportunities to earn financial rewards, such as reduced health insurance premiums.

Thoughts from an early user at Brookdale Senior Living

A growing number of RedBrick Health clients are now using its next-generation health assessment, which will be a cornerstone of the company’s 2010-2011 product offering.

“RedBrick’s health assessment is quick and easy with some fun, unique questions mixed throughout it,” said Tamara Storbakken, benefits supervisor for Brookdale Senior Living. “It is a great way to lighten your spirits while focusing on your current health habits. The results at the end of the assessment are easy to understand and put a clear perspective on your current health situation. It was a useful tool to bring health opportunities to the forefront of my mind.”

More Details and Compliance

RedBrick’s health assessment is:

  • Clinically and scientifically driven, consisting of approximately 40 questions versus 100-plus questions found on many traditional health assessments.
  • Fully compliant with the latest GINA (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008) regulations, even with enhanced risk-identification capabilities.

Additionally, RedBrick’s Health Earnings System dynamically reaches out to participants periodically to provide ongoing opportunities for employees to improve their health score and earn additional financial rewards based on previous interactions and health improvements tracked within the system.

“We enhanced our Health Earnings System with a new health assessment because there wasn’t anything out there that matched the consumer experience we’re striving to create in support of better health and greater financial alignment between employer and employee,” added Rolfing. “Our new assessment is the product of more than two years of consumer feedback and rounds out our Health Earnings experience from day one.

“Ultimately, we have created a transformational benefit-financing model with our Health Earnings model, much like the introduction of the 401K. Your 401K account grows based on the financial investment choices you make. It’s exactly the same with your RedBrick Health Earnings Account. Your Health Earnings grow based on the specific choices you make around investing in improved health.”


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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