Top ten myths about sex

Boston Medical Group, a national physician network specializing in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, today released ten of the top myths surrounding sex. From which gender spends the most time fantasizing to whether size really matters, the list covers some of the common misconceptions about time spent between the sheets.

“Being knowledgeable and understanding the real facts is not only important because sex is such a vital part of our physical health and well-being – it actually increases the likelihood that your sex life will become more fulfilling and pleasurable.”

“There are a lot of people out there that are misinformed about a number of aspects related to sex, from physical pleasure and chemistry right up to the facts about procreation,” said Dr. Barry Buffman, a physician with Boston Medical Group. “Being knowledgeable and understanding the real facts is not only important because sex is such a vital part of our physical health and well-being – it actually increases the likelihood that your sex life will become more fulfilling and pleasurable.”

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the top sex myths include:

1. Great sex comes naturally

  • The physical chemistry you see on TV and in the movies suggests that when two lovers meet, sparks fly and mind-blowing sex naturally follows. But in the real world, it’s not always that easy.
  • The human body doesn’t come with an instruction manual. The “tricks of the trade” that pleased a former partner do not always translate with someone new. Good communication is key to good sex, as is a willingness to be open to trying new techniques and positions to find out what both partners find pleasurable.

2. Men have more sexual urges than women

  • Though many men would have you believe they’re ready to go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the truth is that men experience daily fluctuations in libido, as do women.
  • A man’s readiness to hop in the sack can be impacted by many of the same factors that impact a woman’s level of desire, including diet, sleep health, stress, medical conditions, self-confidence and relationship disharmony.
  • In addition, women have additional factors affecting their libido, including their menstrual cycle and/or birth control pills. Many women are also more affected than men by emotional and environmental factors, including cultural stigmas that keep them from being vocal and assertive about their desires.

3. After a certain age, sex is no longer important

  • Sex is an important aspect of physical and emotional health and well-being for adults of all ages, even those in their golden years.
  • While some people believe that a decrease in libido is a natural part of aging, a loss of sexual desire can be related to a number of other factors including hormone deficiencies, depression, anxiety disorders, side effects of medication, changes to a relationship, communication barriers or loss of a spouse or partner.

4. The little blue pill

  • While many people believe Viagra and other similar oral medications are the best or only treatment for men with erectile dysfunction, the truth is that for many men, these drugs are not a viable option or they simply are not effective.
  • Oral medications are only a temporary fix to a problem that may have other underlying health causes that should be addressed by a qualified physician. In addition, many men with health conditions including hypertension and diabetes cannot take oral prescriptions due to serious potential side effects or contraindications with other medications. For men who cannot use oral meds, there are a number of other options, including urethral suppositories and ICP, an injection that produces an erection within minutes.

5. Size matters

  • Even if every man could probably tell you exactly how long his penis is, surveys have revealed that girth, not length, may be the greater factor in female pleasure.
  • Studies have shown that over 75% of women reach orgasm through oral sex as opposed to only 25% though intercourse alone. Contact against the clitoris and vaginal tissues leads to orgasm, which is not always achieved strictly through penetration.

6. Women can’t get pregnant if a man withdraws before ejaculating

  • The “pull-out” method, also known as the rhythm method, is potentially the worst possible form of birth control. Men do not always know when ejaculatory fluid begins to seep out and even ahead of a perceptible orgasm, pre-ejaculate, which includes sperm, is released and is enough to get a woman pregnant.
  • In fact, 1 in 5 couples who use this method as their only form of birth control over the course of a year will end up pregnant.

7. You can catch an STD from a toilet seat

  • While public restrooms are host to a number of germs, from those that cause the common cold to Hepatitis A and sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, most organisms can only survive for a very short time and the toilet seat is a highly unlikely transmitter of disease.
  • In addition, to catch an STD in a restroom, germs would have to make contact directly with your urethral or genital tract or enter through an open sore, which is possible but very rare.

8. Premature ejaculation only affects young men

  • Some men do find that premature ejaculation begins at the onset of sexual maturity but plenty of men also find it to be an issue later in life. In fact, premature ejaculation affects 30% of men at sometime in their life. Although premature ejaculation can affect men of all ages, it can often be treated by a specialized physician.
  • Often, early ejaculation in men who are in their 30’s or older is a co-symptom of erectile dysfunction or fatigue, poor cardiovascular conditioning, depression, anxiety or neurologic symptoms. In older, mature men it can sometimes be secondary to prostatitis.

9. A headache is a good reason to avoid sex

  • While many women, and some men too, have feigned a headache to get out of sex, intercourse actually relieves minor aches and pains, including headaches. Oxytocin and other feel good endorphins released during orgasm are responsible for the pain relief.

10. Certain foods can put you in the mood

  • Named for the Greek goddess of sensuality and love, aphrodisiacs are said to put you in the mood. While oysters, dark chocolate, strawberries and tiger penis might make you feel l’amour, there is no scientific evidence to support the validity of aphrodisiacs.
  • While there is no science to foods and/or herbs causing arousal, a certain food can trigger an erotic memory or desire in your own mind, so in a sense, we all have our own aphrodisiacs.


  1. Peter Peter United States says:

    No. 10 may be wrong. Oysters contain large amounts of zinc which has been shown to increase sex drive in both men and women.

  2. James James Germany says:

    I'm pretty sure the rhythm method is something different to the pull out method. As far as I'm aware, the rhythm method is based on planning sex when a woman's menstrual cycle makes it less likely for her to fall pregnant.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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